Frequently Ask Questions ( Before Boarding )

Where can I find my Booking Reference Number?
Your Barkota Booking Reference Number is a unique code combined of letters and numbers, usually starts with BOB, BOC, BM (e.g. BOB1671542637111, BOC1677667464912, BM1680045285683) . You can find your booking reference in the confirmation email that was sent to your email address.
Where is my E-ticket copy?
Once payment of your e-ticket has been completed and confirmed, a copy of your e-ticket will be sent to your email address. Kindly check your INBOX or SPAM folder. If you did not receive your e-ticket within 15-30 minutes, kindly send us an email at
Can I book a Rolling Cargo at
Cargo bookings are only available for Trans-Asia Shipping Lines and FastCat at the moment. To check their cargo rates, please visit our website, For those not mentioned, you may directly contact the shipping line to assist you with this matter.
Ferry Ticket Name Changes, Spelling Mistakes
Only minor changes or modifications are allowed such as correcting a typo (obvious misspelled names). Please contact our team to assist you with the name correction at However, tickets are non-transferrable and shall be used solely by the passenger named herein which means name changes or transferring ferry tickets to other passengers is NOT allowed.
Are discounts available online?
Senior/ PWD/ Student discounts are not available online. Only Minor passengers are eligible for fare discount.
Prohibited Cargoes On Board
Here are some of the items considered as hazardous and disastrous for passengers and crews on-board:

• Explosives and timed devices
• Flammable liquids and solids
• Sharp/bladed weapons
• Radioactive materials
• Poisonous and infectious substances
• Illegal drug substances
Pregnant Women
Passenger who is seven to nine months pregnant is not allowed to sail. The said passenger is required to produce physician’s letter stating her fitness to travel.
Boarding Cut-Off Time
Passenger must be at the terminal/pre-boarding area at least an hour before check-in and boarding.
Changes in Travel Schedules/Cancellation of Trips
In case of travel schedule changes due to inevitable occurrences of bad weather or shipping line’s operational problems, make sure to input the correct and working email to notify you with the changes, cancellations and/or postponements of trip.
Shipping Schedule
To know the shipping schedule, visit and then go to the Shipping Companies menu. Click on your desired shipping line. You will then be redirected to the page showing your chosen shipping lines' routes and schedules. Or you can also go to to check trip schedules and trip availability at the same time.
When you book through, a corresponding fare and ticket price will be shown upon choosing the desired trip. Prices may vary depending on the chosen accommodation.
A transfer permit and death certificate must be secured for boarding. For inquiries on minimum rate charges for the said cargo, you may directly contact the shipping line.
Advance Booking
Shipping Company Advanced booking
Trans-asia 1 month
2Go 1 month
Lite Shipping 5 days
FastCat 15 days
Starlite 1 month
Jomalia 15 days
Clemer 7 days
Medallion 15 days or 1 month
Island Water 1 month
Super Shuttle Ferry 1 month
SeaCat by GrandFerries 1 month
FF Cruz Shipping 15 Days
Aznar Shipping 15 Days
Lapu Lapu Shipping 1 week
Ocean Jet 1 month
Minor and Infant
Passenger below 3 years old is considered infant and is free of ticket/fare charge. Moreover, passenger between 3 to 11 years old are considered as minors.

Note: Please be informed that age range for minor passengers may differ from one shipping line to another, you may verify it with the shipping line as well . Check their hotline numbers below.
Refund and Rebooking
To know Refund and Rebooking Guidelines/Policies, please click on the links provided:

To check the Refund and Rebooking Policy of each company, please go to the Home Page and click the Shipping Company menu, then choose a specific shipping line.
E-Ticket Validity
Refund and Rebooking requests will not be guaranteed or honored for those E-tickets that have reached the ticket expiry date.

Shipping Company Ticket Validity
Trans Asia Shipping Lines 1 month
Lite Shipping Corporation 2 months
FastCat 1 year
Starlite Ferries 1 year
Jomalia Shipping 1 month
Medallion Transport Inc. 1 month
Island Water 1 month
Super Shuttle Ferry 1 month
SeaCat by GrandFerries 1 month
FF Cruz Shipping 1 month
E.B. Aznar Shipping Corp. 1 month
Lapu Lapu Shipping 1 month
Ocean Jet 6 months

Frequently Ask Questions ( While Boarding )

Boarding Requirement --- Passenger ID
Valid IDs such as SSS, Pag-ibig, Philhealth are required from the passengers upon boarding. NSO and Police clearance are accepted as well. Moreover, birth certificates may be presented for minor passengers.
Travelling Alone
Passengers with ages below 17 are not allowed to travel alone. Valid IDs are always necessary upon boarding.
Sick Passenger
Medical certificate must be presented attesting to their fitness to undertake sea travel upon boarding.
Travelling with pets
Pets/animals must be secured in cages along with the quarantine permit needed for transport.
Make sure to secure the following:
-Rabies vaccination certificate
-Request travel permit from a designated quarantine office.

*Please make sure to coordinate with the shipping company for any additional protocols regarding pets onboard.

*Cebu City Bureau Quarantine Office location: BFAR 7 Compound, Arellano St., Cebu City (Walk at the corner across the Police Station in Pier 1)
Barkota caters cargo online booking for Trans-Asia Shipping Lines and FastCat ONLY. Check their rolling cargo rates and schedules at
E-Ticket to Shipping Lines Actual Ticket
Below is the list of shipping lines that requires E-ticket to be changed into shipping company’s actual ticket:

Super Shuttle Ferry
Starlite Ferries Inc.
Excess Baggage Tariff: On a per person basis
Shipping Company Baggage Allowance Excess Baggage Charge
Grand ferries 15 Kilograms PHP150 / 10 Kilograms
Trans-Asia 50 kilos- 2nd class non-aircon/aircon and tourist passengers.

100 kilos-Cabin and Private Room
Baggage in excess of the allowance will be deemed as cargo and will be treated as such and charged accordingly.
SuperCat 15 Kilograms 16th to 26th kilo - PhP 10.00 per kilo

27th kilo and above - PhP 20.00 per kilo
Starlite Ferry 50 Kilograms PHP10.00 / Kilograms
FastCat 7 Kilograms Ask FastCat area representative to to assist you with the proper storage instructions.
Medallion 15 Kilograms PHP150.00 / 10 Kilograms
2go 50 Kilograms (excess baggage/goods of commercial quantity) visayas: 10.00/kilo mindanao: 15.00/kilo interport: 8.00/kilo

(electronic appliances) visayas: 250.00/pc mindanao: 300.00/pc interport: 100.00/pc

(sports equipment) visayas: 200.00/pc mindanao: 250.00/pc interport: 100.00/pc
Island Water 15 Kilograms PHP15.00 / Kilograms
Clemer 15 Kilograms PHP150.00 / 10 Kilograms
Lite Shipping 15 Kilograms
Oceanjet 15 Kilograms PHP10.00 / Kilogram

Shipping Company FAQ

Starlite Ferries Refund Policy
Check below to see the two options for when requesting a ticket refund for Starlite Ferries. Please note that refund requests are subject to surcharge fees. Starlite Ferries' standard policy on ticket refund is 20% surcharge fee before departure and 30% after departure.

A. Direct Deposit (Passenger Account)

1. All requests must be emailed to and Email must include the following details:

a. Ticket Number
b. Copy of Booking Voucher
c. Copy of Valid ID of the passenger requesting the refund
d. Contact# of the passenger
e. Reason for Refund
f. Supporting documents if needed
g. Bank Details

2. Refunds will be transferred to the passenger's account within (Starlite accounting team to decide) working days.
B. Refund at the Port
1. A passenger can refund the ticket at the port of origin by presenting the following:

a. Printed booking voucher
b. Valid ID

2. Passengers will receive cash refund for the refunded tickets.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only un-boarded tickets can be refunded.

List of Passage Hotline and Contact Numbers.

Barkota support phone number:
+63 32 419 4510

Shipping lines’ hotline numbers:

  • Medallion Transport Inc. – (032) 412 1121 / 09228987659
  • Lite Shipping Corporation – (032) 255 1721 / 09052850713
  • Super Shuttle Ferry – 09326139122
  • Trans Asia Shipping Lines Inc. – (032) 234 2742 / 254 6491 (local 244)
  • Fastcat – +632 816 1183
  • Grand Ferries – 091771244970
  • Jomalia –0929-658-4445 / 032-346-0421
  • Clemer -(032) 416 1577 / 0921 365 1175
  • Evaristo – 0920 743 7176
  • Starlite – (043) 723 9965